In the words of Google, we are in the middle of a “Mobile Movement”. iPhones, iPads, and all other kinds of smartphones and tablets are taking over our lives. In fact, we rarely go anywhere without our smartphones. Do you often leave home without your phone? I doubt it. In fact, I’ve turned around to go home and get my phone when I’ve accidentally left it behind. According to Google, 39% of us use our smartphones while in the bathroom. 33% use it while watching TV. And even 22% use their phone while reading the newspaper. Here’s what Google has to say about it:
What’s this have to do with Bone Dry Roofing?
We have gone mobile! Today, we launched a mobile version of our website for easier browsing on those small-screen devices. Right now, statistics show that 1 out of every 5 searches on the web is done on a mobile device. Google predicts that mobile search will out-do desktop search in as early as 2013, so this is just another step to make the home improvement process as easy as possible for our customers. During the past 30 days, 15% of our website visitors came to us via a small screen (phone or tablet). So, today we jump on the mobile bandwagon to create a better user-experience for that 15% – and for the growing mobile search population.
No Extra Steps
Don’t worry; you don’t have to take any extra steps to mobilize the site on your phone. When you do a Google search for Bone Dry Roofing or type our website address in manually, your phone or tablet will automatically recognize the mobile version of our site and direct you to that. If you prefer to continue to browse the desktop version of the website on your small screen, that’s ok too. Just scroll to the bottom of the mobile page and click on “Desktop”. There are several tabs to choose from on the home page with general information about Bone Dry Roofing including our history, the services we offer, what to do when there is storm damage, our office hours, locations, contact requests and a photo gallery. Each of these pages is designed specifically for browsing on your phone with a ‘click to call’ button that allows you to get one of us on the phone to answer any questions that you may have just by pressing on the button. If you have any questions, comments or feedback on how to improve the mobile experience on our website, please let us know.