So far so good, mother nature! You’ve listened to the old saying well. As February seemed to drag on longer than usual (bad leap-year joke…), March rolled in with a bang. Loud thunder, bright lightening, roaring winds, baseball-sized hail, and tornadoes. Then we blinked and the skies were bright blue and sunny. This was a true Midwest “Spring-Sized” storm. In the Midwest, we are used to thunderstorms. Heck, we are used to snow storms. But it’s not too often that we see hail the size of baseballs landing in our back yards, the hoods of our cars, and damaging our roofs. As sturdy as your home is built, strong winds and hail can cause some serious damage. Aside from the hail, several tornadoes were spotted in the Midwest today, with reports coming in of demolishing a high school just outside of our Louisville Roofing location. Severe weather can be a pretty neat thing to watch. Mother nature can be very intriguing. But remember – this is the Midwest and anything can happen here. Be safe out there! Take cover when necessary. Spring has just begun and we may have much more of this to come in the near future. Let’s just hope the old saying is true and March leads us into June like a lamb!

Fall Home Maintenance Tips to Prepare for Winter
With winter on the horizon, fall is the ideal time to prepare your home for the colder months. Here are